Monday 20 September 2010

How to get your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend back

So? something really bad happened? Maybe you have lied to your boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe you had a nasty argument. Maybe you cheated on him, Maybe he cheated on you? Regardless of why you broke up, you want your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back… and you’ll do whatever it takes to get them back in your arms where they belong.

But can you really get your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend back? Course you can just follow these simple steps:

Get your Ex boyfriend or girlfriend back...

Leave your Ego at home:
If you want your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back, forget your ego. they are a lot like little boys and girls. Make them look or feel small — like they are nothing special, and you don’t care what they think — and they will be gone… for good.

A lot of men and women ignore this rule. They laugh at their hurt pride. Tell them they are over-reacting. they are silly to take it all so personally. They are acting like a big baby. They laugh and mock and ridicule… and protect their own precious egos. How does that work out for them? Right. They almost never get their ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend back. They don’t treat them with respect… add value to their life… so what self-respecting man or woman would ever go back to that situation. And what self-respecting man woman would ever want a wimp who’d take that sort of abuse?

If you really want your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back… you’ll need to work at it… do some things that feel uncomfortable… because that’s the sort of commitment you need to get an ex boyfriend or girlfriend back… especially if you hurt their pride.

Next, apologize. Even if you believe you didn’t do anything wrong… just do it. Apologize. That defuses the situation, and soothes their injured pride. Some men and women won’t do that. They stick to their principles. They’d rather die than admit they were wrong. Those men and women hang on to their pride… but it’s not much comfort when they’re all alone.

Which is more important to you? Your precious pride… or getting back your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend back. If they are more important… then ditch that stupid pride… and apologize before it’s too late.

Often you need to forgive and forget things your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend did. In the heat of a relationship battle, we all say and do terrible things we don’t really mean. And if we dwell on those hurtful words, the relationship is doomed. So, forgive them. And forget about what happened in the bad old days when you both said and did all those awful things. The past is gone. Don’t let it ruin your future. Getting back with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is tough. But if you obsess about things he said and did in the bad old days, you’ve got no chance.

Expect some rejection:
Getting back with your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend is not always easy… and it’s not always smooth sailing… and it’s not always direct. Often you take one step forward, then two steps back. That’s OK. That’s perfectly normal. Some men and women take time to get over hurt feelings. So accept that as part of the recovery process. Don’t over-react. Just make them feel like the most special person in the world… make them feel wonderful when they are with you… and you’ll soon get them back in your arms… where they belong.

Get your Ex boyfriend or girlfriend back...

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